Wikipedia Backlinks

The case of Wikipedia’s SEO is entirely different. They’re a big, high-profile site with a lot of authority on the one hand. In web contexts as well as in factual contexts, they are authoritative. Even though anyone can edit them, they’ve grown into one of the world’s leading informational sources and AKLINKSEO makes sure that your link always stays live.

Basic Package

4 Days


  • 1 Wikipedia Link

Standard Package

6 Days


  • 2 Wikipedia Link

Premium Package

8 Days


  • 4 Wikipedia Link

The Process of Creating Wikipedia Backlinks For You

Finding The Keyword Or Search Query :  As the first step WEBSITE RANKER will select the keyword or the topic and the page for you to create a link. Why this step is important and how we are going to do this we will explain later. But, be ready when you are about to post some content and get a backlink from Wikipedia the keyword research and finding the ranking page is important and we know this quite well. We have a team of SEO professionals who are experts at doing keyword research and finding the best keywords to write Wikipedia content and the best place in the content to create the link with the website.

Identifying The Ranking Wikipedia Pages:In the next step, once we have a complete set of keywords and target queries, then we will identify the most suitable keywords with the relevant pages for you to sync up your content with good quality and high-value traffic that can be redirected to your page or content. After that, we will thoroughly take a look at the Wikipedia page or a collection of pages that have the same content or keywords and are interesting. Then we shall make content and make sure that it matches the content and the subject of the Wikipedia content. At the end of this step, we will double-check if all the details are correct just like we found out during our research.

Create A Write-Up For Posting:  Now when we have done the above two steps, then we shall go ahead and create a fine piece of writing for posting on Wikipedia for acquiring Wikipedia backlink. As stated earlier, we have a team of SEO professionals who are experts at writing very good SEO articles and make rank on top. The backlinks we shall get from Wikipedia will also improve the rankings even further.​

The Final Step: Adding The Link To The Wikipedia Article

Yes, finally we are here at the last step where we shall add the Wikipedia backlink on the article to the content page or website. Before adding the link WEBSITE RANKER look at several important factors such as: The page discussion on the topic. The page history and past performance of the page. Find out similar content and sites. One more important thing we would like to tell you. Sometimes Wikipedia links get rejected and there is nothing to worry about. Links can be created afterward, and most importantly we would have created wonderful and resourceful content for study and research. WEBSITE RANKER will provide you the best service you can get. Wikipedia backlinks can lift your content up to the highest rank of Google. WEBSITE RANKER can leverage the ranking and website authority of Wikipedia to gather a good volume of traffic to your own page or site. External link building is a crucial ranking factor for ranking that service no one can provide better than WEBSITE RANKER.